“Why try to explain miracles to your children when you can have them plant a garden.”

-Janet Kilburn Phillips

Your support of the El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico is having a tremendous impact on the lives of the children there. As I shared in the May edition of the Que Pasa newsletter, the children are thriving under the care of loving house parents. You can be sure that your faithful support is helping to transform the lives of the little ones. 

Please know that the El Oasis family appreciates your support and is working hard to make sure that your funds can stretch even further by diligently operating and expanding an agricultural business. They are trying to do their part in becoming more self-sufficient.

During my brief visit at El Oasis, I was able to join the children, staff, and community members in a dedication service for this year’s crop. This is an annual event at the El Oasis Farm. This service gave us the opportunity to seek God’s blessing on the growing season. During the service the El Oasis band performed as well as the guitar ensemble of boys from Juan Carlos’ home. 

One of the special highlights was seeing the children helping to plant the first seedlings. I was impressed with how carefully they handled the plants in the process of placing them in the soil, covering the roots, and tamping the soil around the stem to make sure the plant was secure. This was a wonderful illustration of the tender, nurturing care these children are receiving within the El Oasis family. 

Through God’s blessing and the experienced care of the El Oasis Farm workers, this endeavor has become an important means of providing for the operational needs of El Oasis. This helps to stretch your support even further. 

We have asked God’s blessing upon this year’s crop of vegetables. Please pray for the protection, growth of the plants and for a successful harvest. And if you would like to give a special gift in support of this initiative, please designate it “El Oasis Farm.” Thank you!

Note: Use the following weblink to watch a video of children helping to install a “micro-tunnel” protective covering. Thank you for your gifts of support that help to provide a protective cover for the children. 

