Zambia Children’s Home
At one time, ICC had begun the development of a full scale project for orphaned and abandoned children in the area of Mupapa, Zambia. Homes were under construction and ICC had taken in over 10 children who needed care. However, due to problems with squatters, land rights and an outbreak of Malaria, it was decided that in the best interest of the children, they should be relocated to a rented home in the capital city of Lusaka. Over time, some of the original children have left our care, some to complete their education and other reintegrated into their natural families.

There are no immediate plans to expand the program there unless funding allows and there is an opportunity to locate and secure land adequate for a children’s village.
More information about Zambia is available by contacting ICC at (800) 422-7729.
* Name has been changed to protect the child’s privacy