2021 Week of Prayer – January 25-30
Join us live at 2pm Pacific Standard Time. A Zoom link will be provided in the physical version of the Que Pasa. If you do not have access, but would like to attend, please contact the ICC office, 800-422-7729. You won’t want to miss the special presentations from ICC’s children, and getting to know more of the ICC family you lovingly support.
Join ICC missionaries & supporters worldwide a Week of Prayer for children in need: Orphans, the abandoned and abused, and specifically those who ICC reaches. This Week of Prayer will take place from January 25 through 30.
“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.”
Psalm 82:3
Prayer is such a vital spiritual discipline. It can help us focus our attention on issues that truly matter to God. Will you allow God to inspire you to lift children and their ICC family-of-workers up in prayer?

Join Us Live for This Week of Prayer
From Monday, January 25 through Sabbath, January 30 at 2:00 PST, ICC staff members worldwide will join supporters like you to pray for specific needs.
We will be using the Zoom video conferencing program for this Week of Prayer. A Zoom link will be provided in the physical version of the Que Pasa. If you do not have access, but would like to attend, please contact the ICC office, 800-422-7729.
It would be an honor to have you join with us for these 30-minute seasons of prayer. If you are unable to join us, you may wish to pray during a time that best fits your needs and schedule. We will be focusing on the following prayer requests:
1: Pray for healing of the “Holes in the Hearts” of orphaned and abandoned children.
When a new child comes to live at an ICC children’s village, he or she is immediately placed in a loving family. Yet, emotional healing does not take place overnight. The pain of being neglected, abused, or orphaned leaves a big hole in the heart of a child. It takes a while for a hurting child to be happy and to feel loved. Pray that God will provide the healing that ICC children need.
2 : Pray for the children’s caregivers and support staff.
It is a true mission to be a house parent at an ICC Children’s Village. Children come to ICC from all different situations and walks of life. Also, each child responds to trauma in different ways. Some children respond to pain by acting out, others by suppressing their emotions.
Caregivers have to be capable, adaptable, and available to many different children. They are truly the on-the-ground “hands and feet” of Christ. Pray that they may have wisdom. And pray for the administration and staff who are responsible for making sure that children are cared for properly and that the Villages run smoothly.
3: Pray for the teachers of ICC’s young school children.
Every child at an ICC children’s village is provided education. Yet, outside of ICC, education is not a guarantee for many children around the world. Those who have been orphaned or abused are even more disadvantaged. It’s not uncommon for children to arrive at ICC with no prior formal education, or to be delayed in learning because of trauma. Pray that children may overcome these disadvantages, so that they may do well in school.
4: Pray for ICC’s grown children.
As children grow, they must prepare for life outside of the Children’s Village. Thanks to the care of donors, like you, higher education and technical training is possible. It is this “finishing touch” that helps the young people to thrive on their own in the world. Yet, it can be difficult for them to decide on the best way to be independent. Pray for the young people as they make important decisions about their education and future. Pray that they follow God’s guidance, and that they become productive and thriving members of the community.
5 : Pray for the worldwide ICC Family of supporters.
ICC’s mission for orphan and vulnerable children is only possible because of the many generous donors like you. We realize that supporting the children often requires sacrifice, especially during a pandemic that continues to affect much of our lives. It may not always be possible to give. Pray for each donor and volunteer that God will bless them and that they will realize the vital part they play through their prayers and financial support.
Join us live at 2pm Pacific Standard Time. A Zoom link will be provided in the physical version of the Que Pasa. If you do not have access, but would like to attend, please contact the ICC office, 800-422-7729. You won’t want to miss the special presentations from ICC’s children, and getting to know more of the ICC family you lovingly support.