Daily, we are surrounded by reminders that this world is not our home. This world may not be our home, but the love and support that people like you give provides a “little piece of Heaven” to the children.
You Can Provide a Little Piece of Heaven

Rubí, pictured in 2010, was amazed that people, like you, would offer her support without receiving anything in return.

Recently, Rubí graduated from university, receiving the title of Teaching Staff in Secondary Education, PEM.
Rubí, a grown ICC child, recently shared that exact sentiment. She and her brother, Victor, experienced abandonment and abuse, before joining Los Pinos Children’s Village. Because of your support, they received loving care that transformed their lives.
“Thanks to God and to each of the people who support this ministry, each boy or girl who enters our program learns … of the love that Jesus has for them,” said Anabela Alejos, Los Pinos development director. “And they take the assurance that He will guide them wherever they go.”
The following is a shortened translation of Rubí’s letter.
Rubí Shares a Letter of Thanks to Donors
I want to thank you for the help you have given me since I arrived at the Hogar. I have no doubt that since I arrived my life has changed completely.
It all started in 1997. I was too young to understand what was happening, but over time I began to understand that everything was for my good. I began to receive love and affection from people who did not know me, but that God put in their hearts the desire to help without receiving anything in return.
Growing in Love and Joy
I kept growing and my life changed. In the year 2000, I was taken to Petén, a place where they welcomed me with a lot of love. I began to learn many things that sooner or later would help me, but above all they taught me the love that God has for His children and to understand the plan that God had for my life. I grew up in homes full of love, joy, and discipline.
In 2016, once again God continued to manifest Himself in my life. I had the opportunity to study for a university degree.
Now this year it was time to put into practice everything that I was taught throughout these 24 years that I had the opportunity to receive help from my ICC home.
A Little Piece of Heaven
Today I can say that I grew up in a little piece of Heaven, where there are so many angels who were sent by God to be able to give love without receiving anything in return. I will be, all my life, grateful that they gave my life a different direction. Once again, thank you for all that you did for me and for what you continue to do for so many children, youth and adolescents around the world. I ask God to continue to fill you with abundant blessings.