We often write about children whose lives have been transformed as a result of your support. A wonderful example of this is seen in the life of Udai, our business manager at the DEWS Sweet Home Children’s Village in India.
Udai grew up at Sweet Home, and after completing his degree in Business Administration he returned to Sweet Home to serve his younger brothers and sisters. When the campus administrator became ill and had to return to the United States for care and treatment, Udai stepped in to provide calm and effective leadership.
He is the business manager and currently acting as co-director under the supervision of the director, who has been unable to be in India due to the pandemic.
The following is an edited excerpt from an update that Udai sent about what has been happening at Sweet Home:
“We praise God for his guidance on our campus and children. During the Pandemic, we faced many issues.
“We had a hard time traveling out from campus because of lockdowns in our area.
“We faced problems with visiting hospitals for medical care, getting groceries, and bank transactions.
“During the online classes, children had classes from 8:00 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. After the classes, they clean their surroundings and play for an hour. From 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. is the fresh-up time for worship. From 6:30 to 7:00 is worship time where all the children take part singing and reciting memory texts. The older boys lead out in services. From 7:00 to 7:30 is supper, then from 7:30 to 9:30 is study time.
“Last month we experienced heavy rains which caused one of our oldest Mango trees to fall. All the children felt bad as they enjoyed playing under it, and that tree used to give us two kinds of mangoes. We used to have worships and other special programs under that tree. It was 83 years old, according to our milkman.
“On August 8, 2021, we celebrated our Silver Jubilee. A few of our children shared their stories of how they came here and how they were blessed to be in Sweet Home. I had tears remembering my own story and how I grew up in Sweet Home. I personally shared to all the children and staff how Sweet Home started and how ICC came forward helping many unfortunate children all over the world.
“We praise God for all his blessing on DEWS Sweet Home campus and children. We are grateful for sponsors and the ICC family.”