Please join our Week of Prayer for “His Kids”
“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.”
Psalm 82:3
Join us Monday – Friday, JAN 24–28, at 9:00 A.M. PST.
Login @
The meeting ID is: 957 814 8727.
The Password is: Prayer.

Prayer support for the children of ICC is vital to their growth and holistic development. You have an opportunity to join other ICC family members from Monday, January 24 through Friday, January 28 for a special Week of Prayer focused on specific needs.
Each day during this week of January 24–28 — at 9:00 a.m. PST — ICC staff, volunteers, and supporters will be using the ZOOM platform to pray together in person.
Please use the provided login information to participate in this special, live event. If you are unable to join us, you may wish to pray during a time that fits your needs and schedule.
Here are specific areas of focus for the week:
1 — PRAY for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing for the children.
Even though the children’s basic needs are met within the ICC family, they still carry scars. Pray for healing for their broken lives.
2 — PRAY for the children’s caregivers and support staff.
ICC caregivers and support staff are the frontline missionaries for the children. Pray they will have the wisdom, strength, and patience to serve the children.
3 — PRAY for ICC schools and churches.
ICC schools and churches provide spaces for the children to learn about the world around them and their Heavenly Father. Pray that God will bless the children through the schools and churches, the teachers and pastors.
4 — PRAY for ICC’s grown children.
Grown children face many challenges as they prepare themselves to live independently or make the transition to living on their own. Pray that God will guide them and protect them and keep them faithful to Him.
5 — PRAY for the worldwide ICC family of supporters.
ICC’s family of volunteers, donors, sponsors, and prayer warriors make this mission for orphan and vulnerable children possible. Pray that God will bless and protect each of ICC’s family members as they help provide for the care of the children in 2022.