They teach the children personal hygiene. They care for them when they are sick. They teach the kids about Jesus’ love during family worship and by their own example. The mothers also teach the children to read and write Telugu, the mother tongue of their local Andhra Pradesh culture. Most importantly, the children learn what it means to be part of a family by learning to care for themselves and for their fellow family members.
Responses from El Oasis children when asked to share why they like living with their house mothers …
“She makes delicious food” “She helps me” “She is very nice to me” “She hugs us” “She is good” “She loves all of us” “She makes us sweet pumpkin bread.”

During the month of May, we recognize and celebrate ICC mothers. Within the ICC family, mothers are the glue that binds the hearts of the children to their ICC family and to their Heavenly Father. They are front-line nurturers of broken lives. They hear the children laugh, cry, dream and pray. They are on duty 24/7 to protect and provide care for a large and active family. They are entrusted with the challenge of not only teaching children what a real family is like but showing it through consistent, loving actions. Remove the mother from an ICC home, and you remove its very heart and soul and paralyze our mission for the children!
Ellen White, a mother herself, recognized the often overlooked and underappreciated responsibility of a mother. In the book Ministry of Healing, she wrote…
“The mother’s work often seems to her an unimportant service. It is a work that is rarely appreciated. Others know little of her many cares and burdens. Her days are occupied with a round of little duties, all calling for patient effort, for self-control, for tact, wisdom, and self-sacrificing love; yet she cannot boast of what she has done as any great achievement. … Heavenly angels watch the care-worn mother, noting the burdens she carries day by day. Her name may not have been heard in the world, but it is written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
MH pp. 376, 377
We also recognize, celebrate, and cherish the mothers within the ICC family who support this mission through prayer and financial resources. No, you may not be able to travel to a children’s village. You may never get to hug an ICC child or hear how much they appreciate you! However, your support enables ICC mothers to love the children in your place. This work isn’t possible without YOU!

“Mommy Lilian has been a mother to me since I was 3 years old. She goes beyond what her job is — she is a person who goes the second mile. I am about to graduate as a teacher. Mommy is still my advisor.
“She is very dedicated to what she does. She is very helpful and attentive. I see her as exemplary spiritually. She is a woman of faith and it is something that has helped me personally in my life.
“She was tireless in giving me her time and teaching me every day to be a better person, a better daughter of God. She taught me to enjoy serving others.
“She is not perfect, but she is my perfect mother.”
Celebrate & Support ICC Mothers
During this special month when we remember mothers, we encourage you to give an extra gift in support of ICC mothers who daily care for “His Kids!”
Your support helps to enable these mothers to provide the care for the children that you would give if you were in their place. Thank you for all you continue to do for the children!