A message from Rick Fleck, ICC President

Thanksgiving is an appropriate time each year to do just what the great Christian hymn tells us to do – “Count Your Blessings!” And as I consider the bountiful blessings that God has provided to this ministry, my thoughts turn to YOU and the many ways YOU have blessed the children this year!
As I count blessings, I’m grateful for…
Your Prayers. You have lifted up this ministry to the Father of the fatherless. You have prayed for the children, the caregivers, the administrators, and the financial resources needed.
Your Correspondence. You have sent cards and letters to a specific child that has lifted his or her spirit. Your calls and letters to the ICC office have encouraged us to carry on.
Your Generosity. You continue to support this ministry with your generous gifts. You ensure that the children receive the nurturing care they need. You help this ministry thrive, even in tough times.
Your Commitment. You have not abandoned the children even in the face of increasing chaos in the world. You continue to travel with us on this ministry journey. Thank you for blessing the children in so many powerful ways!
Now, more than ever, children like Sofia need you!
Sofia is 10 years old and is representative of many of the children who come to us. When she was only two years old, her mother died of cancer. Since her father is in jail, other family members took her in. Recently, problems arose with her care, and government authorities stepped in and brought her to the El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico.
This Thanksgiving, Sofia is a part of the ICC family. She has a place at the ICC table. Yet, now more than ever Sofia and hundreds of children like her need your continued support.
These are trying times. Inflation and economic hardships are affecting our ability to provide for our children. And here, at the end of the year, your continued generosity is needed.
Won’t you please send in a gift to help provide for the care of children like Sofia?
This Thanksgiving, as we count our blessings, we think of you.
Thank you for all you do for the children! Now, more than ever. May God bless you!