In a 20-year time span…
- How many meals would an ICC house mother in the DR Congo prepare, serve and afterwards, clean up?
- How many articles of clothing would she wash and rewash again and again?
- How many prayers would she send heavenward interceding for her children?
- How many tears would she wipe from her own eyes and the eyes of the little ones (and big ones) in her care?
And yet, in contrast to all of the loving care she provides, how many times has she heard a heartfelt “thank you” in return?
During this month of celebrating mothers, we want to recognize one of ICC’s mothers, Mama Tebeya. She stands as an example of all the house mothers as well as the thousands of women who support them so they can serve orphan and vulnerable children.
Recently, at the age of 70. Mama Tebeya retired after serving the children for about 20 years. Mama Tebeya began caring for ICC children shortly after ICC started working in that country. She has seen the development of the children’s village to its current state.
According to Désiré, Patmos’ director, Mama Tebeya served the children with excellence, was very brave, and was appreciated by all. The children loved her.
Désiré shared that, “Her best memory remains the fact that the majority of the children gave themselves to the Lord, to the church, to studies and today hold positions in society after having contracted religious marriages.” This provides insight into the powerful influence Mama Tebeya has had on the lives of ICC children.
Thank you, Mama Tebeya, for your years of service. And thank you to all of our mothers within the ICC family! May God richly bless you for supporting the children and house mothers who provide for their care.
A Tribute to Mothers
It’s not an overstatement to say that ICC house mothers are the heart and soul of this ministry for orphan and vulnerable children. They provide love, care, and guidance to every child in our homes. They create a family atmosphere where children feel safe, supported, and valued. They nurture the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual development of our children.
House mothers are role models, heroes, and family members. They teach our children skills and values for life. They dedicate their lives to serving others and overcoming challenges. They put the needs of our children first.
House mothers are essential to our mission of transforming the lives of orphaned and abandoned children around the world. We are grateful, proud, and honored to serve with them. Thank you, house mothers, for everything you do. You are truly amazing!