Editor’s Note: Following is an update from the Las Palmas Children’s Village in the Dominican Republic where children there recently were recognized for their academic achievements.

On July 2, Las Palmas Adventist School celebrated the 38th graduation of the basic level (elementary school) and the 21st graduation of the middle level (high school).
Every year, God gives us the privilege of seeing the progress of the boys and girls who come into our hands and work with them with dedication so that they can achieve their academic studies. This year we graduated 5 students who are ready to continue their higher education. It is a great joy to see their achievements.
Music is part of the students’ academic preparation, and it was an honor that the members of the youth band were the guests of honor to play the National Anthem, the processional march and to have the special music to grace the graduations.
One of our young ladies had the privilege of presenting the speech of honor. She came to us on August 13, 2016, and with effort and work that was done with her, we were able to see her graduate with high grades. Therefore, she was given the honor of presenting her speech before the public. In her speech she gave many thanks to God first and then to ICC for having helped her until she finished her basic and secondary studies.
We were also able to recognize one of our young men for having studied at Las Palmas Adventist School for 10 consecutive years. He arrived at the institution on February 1, 2013, and it really filled us with joy to see how he developed and finished this stage of his academic life.
We thank God and all the donors who have made these miracles possible in the lives of the children who come to this place.
God bless you greatly for all your effort and dedication to make this a reality.