Dear Friend,

My warmest greetings to you. Today, I am reaching out with an important appeal that offers a tremendous opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of the children we serve together.

Our mission at International Children’s Care is to transform lives by offering love, protection, education, and healthcare to orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. This critical mission continues, often against significant challenges, thanks to the devoted support of generous individuals like you.

As we approach the summer months, however, our resources are often stretched thin, and our needs escalate. Summers pose unique challenges for our budgets as the needs of children often outpace the resources available.

In the face of these difficulties, ICC family members have provided funding for an inspiring matching campaign of $46,000 through the 2024 Summer of Care Matching Challenge.

ICC was established 46 years ago, and this timely Matching Challenge will match, dollar for dollar, every donation we receive from now until the end of June, up to a maximum total of $46,000. Your $50 contribution transforms into $100; your $200 becomes $400. It effectively doubles your impact, stretching your giving power further to meet our increased summer needs. And what would be most helpful is if this was an “extra gift” above what you may normally give. What a blessing this will be for the children. While this letter is in your hand, you can make a donation by accessing this QR code or accessing this website link:

One child who symbolizes our mission is a boy named Marcos, a brave young boy who now calls one of our homes his own. He lost his mother at a young age and was left in the hands of an elderly great-grandmother. Thanks to the power of generous donations, Marco’s life is beginning to piece together again.

By meeting the Summer of Care Matching Challenge goals, we can extend our hands to ensure children like Marcos have the care they need. Your contributions could bring us closer to a grand total of $100,000 or more! This will provide resources destined to make the summer months a period of hope and transformation for many children.

Remember, there are many ways to make your contributions count. Some of our supporters choose to donate stocks, offer grants from Donor Advised Funds, or make a Qualified Charitable Distribution. These “tax-smart” forms of giving allow you to maximize your support even further.

So, as we head into the important summer months, will you stand with us in the 2024 Summer of Care Matching Challenge? Please remember to specify ‘Summer of Care 24’. when you make your gift. Your donation will make an enormous difference in the lives of children like Marcos.

Thank you for standing with us. Your generosity, kindness, and compassion form the foundation of International Children’s Care, giving wings to hope even in the face of challenges.

May God bless you,

Rick Fleck, ICC President

P.S. Don’t forget, until the end of June, the Summer of Care Matching Challenge will double the impact of your giving, up to $46,000. Thank you for helping us navigate the challenging summer months and for your continuous support.

• Give online:

• Give by phone at 800-422-7729.

• Give using the QR code

• Give using the response form included with this letter in the mail.
