The Los Pinos Children’s village participated in a special week of spiritual emphasis recently.

During the first period of the school day, the primary students enjoyed an “Encounter with Jesus” through Bible stories presented to them. In the evenings, the Los Pinos families as well as community students and their parents gathered in the church for a special program titled “God First.” The central message was to experience the blessing of giving our Heavenly Father the highest priority in everything.

And the highlight of the week? After a year and a half since the school program started including community children and they began to hear and learn about the love of Jesus, five precious souls decided to give their lives to Jesus through baptism!

Thank you for helping to support the children of Los Pinos! You are enabling them to learn about the love of God, His care, His mercy, His forgiveness, and the salvation He offers us through His grace.

Thank you for continuing to make these kids a priority. None of this would be possible without YOU!

The Los Pinos Children’s village participated in a special week of spiritual emphasis recently.

During the first period of the school day, the primary students enjoyed an “Encounter with Jesus” through Bible stories presented to them. In the evenings, the Los Pinos families as well as community students and their parents gathered in the church for a special program titled “God First.” The central message was to experience the blessing of giving our Heavenly Father the highest priority in everything.

And the highlight of the week? After a year and a half since the school program started including community children and they began to hear and learn about the love of Jesus, five precious souls decided to give their lives to Jesus through baptism!

Thank you for helping to support the children of Los Pinos! You are enabling them to learn about the love of God, His care, His mercy, His forgiveness, and the salvation He offers us through His grace.

Thank you for continuing to make these kids a priority. None of this would be possible without YOU!
