When Patmos Children’s Village received 48 new orphans last year, there was little room for them. They had to squeeze into houses already full of other children. They had to share a bed sometimes between three or four other children. But supporters like you rallied and sent funds to build two new children’s homes in record time. Most of the children and new house parents have moved into those facilities and are thriving there.

Our project administrator Desiré Murhima recently sent a message from Congo. Here is an edited excerpt:

“First, we send you our greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.

“It is with hearts full of joy and gratitude that we say thank you for adding two homes for the orphaned children at Patmos Children’s village who survived the catastrophic flooding in the territory of Kalehe.

“We appreciate your compassion, and the sacrifices you made to fulfill this need. May God grant you long life and good health.

“However, it is important to remember that we still have 17 orphaned children from that crisis who currently lack proper shelter. They too need a home and by faith we are already laying the foundation for the third home.

“We continue to earnestly request your support for these children, so they may have a decent home. We are confident that, with the Lord’s help, you will find a solution to this pressing need and build a third home to meet this need.

Please accept, dear donors and sponsors, the expression of our sincere gratitude in Jesus Christ our Savior.”

As Desiré mentioned, you can help the remaining 17 new children have a home like the others. Your gifts and God’s blessing have provided two new homes to be quickly built and furnished for the new children. Only one remains to be built which will allow all the children to have enough room. If you want to support this remaining project for the Congo children, please send your gift today. On behalf of the children in Patmos: thank you.
