More Than Notes and Melodies (Music Programs Provide Enrichment)

Music is celebrated for its ability to deeply touch our minds.  It serves as a kind of universal language that transcends barriers. At El Oasis Children’s Village, we celebrate the profound impact of music on the lives of our children. In our music program there and at Las Palmas Children’s Village in the Dominican Republic, our young learners find hope and healing as they learn music.   In September 2019, El Oasis started a program to Read more…

Project Updates Around the World

Guatemala  A new year of classes has started at Los Pinos Children’s Village in the Peten region of Guatemala. The children on campus are joined by vulnerable children from three surrounding villages: La Paz, Vista Hermosa and El Milagro. The children from those villages are picked up by a van and brought to Los Pinos for a wonderful day of learning together. The teachers and staff at Los Pinos are happy to be a light Read more…

A Heartfelt Thank You From Congo

Thanks to your kind generosity, Patmos children have a secure place in which to thrive and prepare themselves for the future. Recently, the children were able to participate in a special New Year’s Day celebration. Thank you for all you do for the children. They appreciate you! We are grateful that God worked through caring individuals like you to provide for the sustaining care of ICC children in the DR Congo last year. In fact, Read more…

Celebrations and Home Renovations in Dominican

We have received this information from our Las Palmas project director, Samilin, and are including it as an edited excerpt. A special greeting to all ICC donors.  We are recounting God’s blessings in the year past.  The Administration of the Las Palmas Children’s Village would like to thank you for the selfless effort and love you have shown for children. We started 2023 with many expectations and challenges to meet, trusting that God would help Read more…

The Certainty of Loving Care, Thanks to YOU!

A new year is beginning.  As we look back at 2023, we thank God for His blessings. He has worked through you in a special way to help children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or neglected.  Throughout last year the ICC family had many new children join us – some through tragedies, some through sickness. Some lost their parents through natural disasters, like in Congo.  It was amazing to see how God provided for these Read more…

Activities and Achievements from ICC Villages

Activities and Achievements Los Pinos Children’s Village, Guatemala Your support helps children experience important milestones and achievements. Recently, seven children graduated from the Los Pinos primary school in Guatemala. Three of the children were from a nearby village. You may recall that earlier this year, the Los Pinos school welcomed several children from the surrounding area to join the school family. Because of their remote location and the extreme poverty of their families the children Read more…

December 2023 Que Pasa Letter

A Special Christmas Hope Matching Challenge Doubles Your Gift! December 1, 2023 Dear Friend of the Children, As I pen these thoughts to you, I once again must say how much I praise God for each of you who are praying for and supporting this ministry for the less fortunate children. This year there have been many blessings in the ICC families, including receiving new children, children going to school, graduations, baptisms and even weddings! Read more…

Blessings Returned

“Dhanyavaad” (Hindi)“Asante” (Swahili)“Gracias’’ (Spanish) From our children and staff, thank you for your generous support! “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.’’ (2 Cor. 9:12 NIV) Last month, we mentioned Karunakar, whose life was forever changed after coming to DEWS Sweet Home Children’s Village in India. You may recall that Karunakar completed his bachelor’s degree in Read more…

Ukrainian Refugee Update

Editor’s Note: On February 26, 2022, world attention focused on Russia as it invaded itsneighbor, Ukraine. Women, children, and the elderly fled from the advancing army as able-bodied men were called into military service to help protect their country. Following is an edited excerpt from Simona, ICC Romania’s village administrator, who tells of the experience the ICC family had with Ukrainian refugees. Never would we have thought it possible to have war so close to Read more…
