Six Things To Know About the Values and Philosophy of ICC
1. Not a Typical Orphanage
From the beginning, we resolved that this should not be a typical orphanage, but a unique program designed to consider the child’s mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. In other words, we would not simply provide food and a roof, but provide homes and families, in an atmosphere that would bring love and security to these children.

2. Individualized not Institutionalized
Therefore, we started the cottage, group-home plan. Instead of large numbers of children in one building, the children are placed in individual homes, located on small acreages. Couples from the local country are chosen who serve as parents to a group of 10 to 12 children, forming a family. This avoids having an “institution” for these children. The long-term results are much more positive, enabling children to learn basic skills and relate normally to life.

3. Education Provided for All
Education is an important part of our program. We operate elementary schools on our own grounds, accommodating the school program to the needs of the children. Because of disadvantaged backgrounds, most of these children are behind in school. Our teachers gear their programs, especially for orphaned children. Whenever possible, we locate near a secondary school. We provide education through high school, and on to college or university, when the young person shows interest and ability.

4. Industries Help to Support the Programs
The farm is an integral part of the program. It provides work opportunities for the older children, helps provide food, and lessens the need for outside help. Also, the children learn manual skills, thus preparing each child to face life on his own someday.

5. Founded on Christian Principles
A spiritual emphasis is very important. Each home is founded on Christian principles, with morning and evening worship geared to the interest of small children. In this atmosphere, the children learn to be true Christians, making the Bible the foundation of their faith.

6. Typical Building Plans
Our basic plans for each Children’s Country Village include ten homes for children, an administration building, an elementary school, and a shop or industrial building.
We establish childcare facilities as circumstances and funding permits in any country where there is a need and an opportunity to serve.
Other countries are calling for ICC to start a childcare program. As our base of support increases, we will expand to help more and more children.

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