International Children’s Care can help you in teaching compassion to your students!
Have you been looking for a way to teach compassion to your students? Designed to help you lead your students to a better understanding of compassion for others is the purpose of this program. Accomplish this by leading your students in a multi-day lesson plan that uses the sponsorship of orphaned, abandoned, and vulnerable children to help them learn compassion.

One Teacher’s Experience Teaching Compassion
Beth Stevenson wanted to help her first-grade students understand and develop a missionary spirit. She did so by having her students sponsor children in Tanzania. You can read the results of her efforts as part of the Teaching Compassion curriculum.
Beth had this to say about her experience: “God blessed us during the process of raising the funds for the orphan children, beyond imagination. His multiplication of our monetary goal paled in comparison to how powerfully my students were impacted spiritually, cross-culturally, and missionally.
”God had given me an amazing way to create compassion in the hearts of my students and empower them for mission and in the process, taught us more of His desire to work through us!”
You can achieve results like Beth’s by using the Teaching Compassion curriculum with your students. They will learn, as did Beth’s students, the positive results of showing compassion to others.
Download The Teaching Compassion Curriculum
In This Curriculum
Teaching Compassion is a multi-part series of lessons. Your students will learn and understand the concepts of compassion in each lesson.
Each part of the lesson plan comes with an explanation of the concept for that day. Plus the necessary supporting materials for each day’s lesson.
The children will learn by showing compassion. Compassion for orphans, helping orphans, being merciful, seeing that orphaned children are precious, showing affection and sympathy. How they will be providing shelter for orphans, how compassion creates identity and opportunities, and a very special way to be neighborly.
Get A Hard Copy of Teaching Compassion
To receive a hard copy of the curriculum, rather than the download, use the following button. Send an email to Wendy at International Children’s Care requesting a copy of the Teaching Compassion program.
Thank you for considering the Teaching Compassion curriculum as part of your plans for this next school year. This program will bless both you and your students.