What a beautiful time it was for Sharon and me to celebrate the 40th anniversary of when the Las Palmas children’s village was established in 1984.

The celebrations had been advertised on the radio all over the country, and the whole campus was buzzing with activity for weeks ahead of time. They painted, cleaned and scrubbed, and they found donors in the Dominican Republic and the USA to help them with the expenses.

They had special programs on Friday night and Sabbath, but the main celebration was on Sunday. They welcomed in many visitors, including many who had grown up in Las Palmas.

As we enjoyed the wonderful music from our current and now-independent children, my mind went back a few years. My dad was the president of the Dominican conference when I was a teenager, and it was then that I learned to love that island and the wonderful people. Unfortunately, we also got acquainted with the abundant poverty. My mother would often have very poor children in our home.

Then after ICC was started in Guatemala in 1978, a few years later, in 1984, I came with my little family to work with ICC with my parents. The first thing that Sharon and I did with ICC was to go with our two small children for a month to the Las Palmas children’s village to take over while the American administrative couple there took some much-needed vacation.

We got to know the first children that came into Las Palmas, and now this year we got to see several of them at the anniversary celebration, now with their spouses and children. They have always called me Papa Rick and Sharon is Mommy Sharon, and they still call us that to this day as they introduce us to “our” little grandchildren that they set in our arms to admire.

This was one of the highlights of the anniversary celebration for us. It vividly showed the positive impact that the ICC model of family-based care has on the children and their own families when they grow older. At Las Palmas, orphan children have learned what it means to be a part of a family, and they are passing this on to their own children.

There were other highlights during the weekend celebration. The young people were reconnecting and taking selfies. We could see that they felt like they were back with their families.

The music was awesome. The singing group from many years ago got several of their members back together to treat us to wonderful music. And we were inspired by the current group of adults and young people who are carrying on that singing tradition.

The band and orchestra performed to the delight of all the visitors. People were amazed to see the way so many kids were able to develop their talents in many ways in this ICC project.

What an experience! And what a miracle that we have seen and lived over these 40 years! This is literally God’s ministry, and He provides everything.

But the special thing is that He uses you and me to do it. Isn’t that wonderful? What a privilege for each of us to have that opportunity to give second chances to these little ones so that they can have a full life, get an education and learn of the love of Jesus and His plan for each one.

Sharon and I have been especially blessed to be able to represent you to the kids in the ICC children’s villages around the world. We tell them about all the wonderful people in countries far away who are thinking about them, praying for them and supporting them to have a second chance in life. 

I know they appreciate you—they have told me, and many times have said to tell you how much they appreciate having someone who cares about them. 

So, on behalf of each of these, whether they are living life with their own family or are just starting out as a little child in an ICC children’s village, thank you for all you do for each of them!!!
