Update in Pictures from India (Faces have been blurred in online version to protect identity of the children)

Editor’s Note: These pictures tell the story of how your support is having a tremendous impact on the lives of children at ICC’s Sweet Children’s Village in India. You are providing not only a place for basic needs to be supplied, but you are also providing “a place to call home.” Thank you for all you do for the children!

Your support provides a Place of Safety for orphan children. These two siblings (left and right) have just arrived. They are scared and need reassurance that they have come to a safe place. The older boy in the middle has been at Sweet Home for some time. He speaks their language and is able to comfort them and explain that they have come to a safe place.

One of the young boys is proud to show you where he sleeps. He has adjusted to life within the Sweet Home family and has found a Place to Belong thanks to you!

You make it possible for the children to be surrounded by caring adults who enjoy providing them a Place to Learn. In this picture, Nirmala, is sharing the story of Moses. Nirmala herself came to Sweet Home as a child many years ago. She serves as the Children’s Services Director and ensures the children are well cared for. We’ll share more about her in a future Que Pasa.

Just as you contribute to the well-being of the children, so they have their Place to Contribute to the well-being and smooth operation of their homes. The children have age-appropriate chores and learn the joy and value of working together.

We all thrive best when our minds and bodies are given adequate time to recreate. Sweet Homes provides the children with a Place to Play through a variety of campus activities and special outings.

You would be pleased to hear the children recite passages of scripture during their worship services. The children find Sweet Home to be a Place to Grow in their knowledge and application of scripture. 

Note: If you would like to watch a video of children reciting scripture visit vimeo.com/1007810533/9ecfdc1fa7 or use the QR code. To use the QR Code hover over the QR code with your smart phone’s camera. A website address will appear at the bottom. Touch that website address, and it will launch the video viewer.

ICC family members like you help to provide a nurturing Place for Friendships. The children learn how to share, how to care, and how to look out for the interests of others. Friendships made at Sweet Home can last a lifetime.

Your ongoing generosity makes it possible for Sweet Home to be a Place of Quality Care. The first picture above shows a home that has stood up under years of wear. It needs remodeling. The picture below it shows a home that has been remodeled thanks to the contributions of ICC family members who make it possible for quality care to continue. In the picture under the remodeled home, Sharon Fleck (at far right), ensures that the children indeed are provided quality care.  The Sweet Home family have a deep sense of spiritual commitment, and they include it in the daily aspects of life. In the final picture to the left, a house father leads out in a small worship service just before remodeling begins on the house in the first picture. Thank you for supporting the quality care of the children!

The ICC family is a family of faith in God. The children learn to trust their Heavenly Father. They have a Place to Worship: whether it’s in their homes, or courtyard, or in the church. And as seen in as seen in the picture above, the children, the children are also given an opportunity to lead out in worship. “This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long!”

If you’d like to see and hear the children singing this song, use the following website link 

vimeo.com/1007810700/7b3e80fc3a  or QR code.

Thanks to your support, the children have a Place to Prepare to live independently and start families of their own. In this picture, Sweet Home’s older children who are in university have returned Home. They are grateful for the support you have given them and realize it as a great opportunity. 

And what is a family without close ties that bring members back together? Your support of the children builds strong bonds and helps to provide a Place to Return. The picture above shows the grown children sitting down to a meal together. The children don’t all go to the same schools. Reunions are special times to reminisce, tell of current happenings, and remember God’s blessings. 

Thanks to your generous support, ICC children have a Place to Call Home! They appreciate you and continue to depend upon you for their ongoing care. Please consider sending in a special gift in support of the children today. May God bless you for loving them and for giving them a Special Place in YOUR Heart!
