Thanks to the support of caring ICC family members like you, the new year arrives filled with renewed hope that ICC’s children will continue to thrive. This is important for all “His Kids” but especially for the newly arrived children like the ones at Sweet Home Children’s Village in India that you see on this page. These children have come because of difficult and tragic circumstances, and they need the nurturing care that ICC family members like you can provide.
They have spent their first New Year’s Day with their new family. There are so many new experiences, but the children have quickly learned that their new surroundings are safe, and their new caregivers are loving and kind. They’ve learned that there is plenty of nutritious food on the table at mealtimes and there is a warm bed waiting for them at the end of a busy and eventful day.
One thing that they are still learning is what it means to have a sponsor who helps to provide for their care. These children are so new to the Sweet Home Family that they don’t have any sponsors yet. But you can help to change that.
Would you or someone you know respond today and sponsor a newly arrived child? What a difference you will make!
The children have experienced suffering, hunger, pain, and neglect. But they can experience a new life of opportunity and that includes learning about their new Best Friend, Jesus who loves children and who is preparing a permanent, forever home for them in Heaven!
Please pray for these and other newly arrived children as they grow and develop and transform as children of God. Thank you for your loving support of “His Kids!”