ICC’s outreach project, Lucas Legos for Kids, has been a blessing to many children around the world! Lucas, a 13 years old boy who was diagnosed with cancer, turned his painful story into a blessing for others. He inspired this Lego-collecting outreach, and now many children who previously never had Legos are being blessed with them.
Lucas is now an advocate for helping others overcome cancer. Check out this recent article, entitled “14-year-old uses wish from Make-a-Wish to raise money for childhood cancer research.”
Now, after two years of fighting Leukemia, Lucas is in remission, and his prognosis looks good. Praise God! Though he still goes in for periodic check-ups, life is back to normal. His fight was successful and his impact with Lucas Legos for Kids strong. It’s now time to bring the outreach project to a close.
ICC wants to honor Lucas for his courageous act of love. We are presenting him with a trophy that reads…

We also want to honor Jennifer Turk for her courageous and creative efforts in helping make this outreach reality. Thank you Jennifer! To her we present this plaque.

Your faithful husband received the plaque as you were away on your birthday weekend trip when I (William) was in your hometown to present it.

ICC also wants to thank all who participated in the outreach. Schools, churches, and individuals. Believe me, the Legos you gave will be enjoyed by ICC’s children around the world. You gave with your heart, and for that we thank you.
Let’s continue building children’s lives with purpose! Please continue to support the work of ICC in its different ways. Until next time, take care of yourself, and take care of others!
William Hurtado