Double Your Gift with the “Christmas Care Matching Challenge!”
“Real, true religion from God the Father’s perspective is about caring for the orphans and widows who suffer needlessly and resisting the evil influence of the world.”
James 1:27 (Voice)
The Father called you! You responded generously! The children are grateful! The call to care continues!
Care is the theme of this year’s special Christmas edition of the Que Pasa. Care is in our name — International Children’s Care. Caring is a part of our ministry DNA. Orphan and vulnerable children need consistent care — each day — each week — each month — each year — until they can care for themselves. And caring for these special children is something that is impossible for us — without you!
Your support continues to make a tremendous difference for children like Carlos and Mario who joined the ICC family not long ago. We want to introduce you to these brothers and tell you about a special way you can help them and other children this Christmas.
We’re excited to let you know that some of our dedicated family members have joined together to create a special “Christmas Care Matching Challenge” that will help to bless the lives of children like Carlos and Mario.
From now until December 31, your gift can provide a double blessing for the children! This challenge is to encourage you to give a little extra — a bit more than you would otherwise give. Please take advantage of this opportunity today by filling out the response coupon and returning it with your gift. Thank you!

Carlos and Mario recently found themselves in need of someone to care for them and intervene on their behalf. Their single mom had no job, no place to live, no one to care for her two small boys so she could find work. She was desperate and out of options. However, she was determined to find an Adventist environment where her boys would receive the care they needed.
Fortunately for this mom and the two brothers, ICC’s El Oasis children’s village in Mexico is just such a place. And because of the support of ICC family members like you, just a few weeks ago Carlos and Mario were brought to us.
This will be the boys’ first Christmas within their ICC family in Mexico! And yet, neither boy has a sponsor to help provide for their ongoing care.

And their arrival comes at a time when we face significant difficulties.
• Expenses have exceeded donations this year.
• Rapid inflation is eroding financial stability.
• Reserve funds are depleted.
• The well-being of the children is threatened.
Once again, we are reaching out to you, our caring ICC family, hoping and praying that you will give generously this Christmas to provide for the needs of children like Carlos and Mario.
And just in time, we’ve received a wonderful “Care Package” from ICC family members who have offered a special Christmas Care Matching Challenge to ensure that the children receive the care they need.
Over and over again we see what happens when orphan and vulnerable children are cared for in a loving, nurturing home.
They blossom! They grow! They flourish! They are transformed!
You make transformations possible for children like Carlos and Mario who are just beginning their journey within the ICC family!
And now, through the end of the year or until $150,000 is reached, your EXTRA gift of care and support will be doubled — literally transformed!
Our Heavenly Father’s call to care for orphan children continues.
In so doing you will be telling the children… I Care For You!
Thank you, and Merry Christmas!
doug · December 19, 2021 at 9:15 am
Are you connected to any organized religion ?
Ken Wilson · December 20, 2021 at 10:55 am
We are not connected to any organized religion or denomination. We are an independent, Christian, non-profit.
We are funded solely by our supporters.
We do not operate as an official ministry or program that is part of any organized denomination or religion.
However, our founders were members of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. As are the majority (but not all) of our staff.
But no, we are not connected in any official capacity to an organized religion.
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