By Rick Bowes

The other day someone mentioned how grateful they were that our donors were “constants” in the lives of our ICC kids. That short comment about “constants” brought to mind memories of a day that I will never forget.
I was 17 years old and feeling quite pleased with all that was happening in my life. I had graduated from high school, had a girlfriend and a summer job, and now I was driving in my first car out to the Colorado River to go water-skiing with friends.
Suddenly, as my speed was creeping higher, I heard a loud knocking noise coming from my engine compartment. Pulling into a service station the mechanic confirmed my worst fears. The noise was from a loose connecting rod, and the engine was “blown.”
Heartbroken, I called my dad, who immediately canceled all his patient appointments for the day and drove out into the desert to rescue me
It wasn’t the first time that he had rescued me, and certainly, it wasn’t the last. Indeed, through the years of my ups and downs of life, my dad was always a “constant.” He was always present, and always ready to help at a moment’s notice.
So, I want to recognize that as my dad was always a “constant” for me, you, by your thoughts and prayers, by your generous gifts of love, have been “constants” for your ICC kids.
Truly, the impact of what you have done in the past, and of what you are doing now, will never be fully known this side of heaven. During this season of gratitude, I want to thank you for making such a dramatic difference in so many lives!