“2024 Summer of Care” Matching Challenge – A Letter from ICC President, Rick Fleck

Double YOUR gift today through the 2024 Summer of Care Matching Challenge “God sets the lonely in families…” Psalm 68:6 (NIV) Dear Friend, My warmest greetings to you. Today, I am reaching out with an important appeal that offers a tremendous opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of the children we serve together. Our mission at International Children’s Care is to transform lives by offering love, protection, education, and healthcare to orphaned and Read more…

Celebrating ICC Mothers and Fathers 

Recently, I had the privilege of visiting the El Oasis Children’s Village in Baja California, Mexico. It had been over 20 years since my first visit. That’s a generation of children ago, and like our newsletter name indicates, I was eager to find out “que pasa” (what’s happening)! Since you do so much for the children, I want to include you in some of the sweet experiences I had by sharing them with you. Children’s Read more…

My Mom and Mrs. McDonald

By Rick Bowes With each passing year it seems that memories of my mom don’t fade away, they actually become more vivid. She was born at the end of WWI, and when she was just 3 months old her father died. Though her mom, my grandmother, worked several jobs and tried her best, their life in rural Iowa was extremely hard. For years they lived together in dire poverty. The one bright spot as my Read more…

You Serve Those Who Serve the Children

Editor’s note: Mothers and Fathers play a crucial role in the healthy development of ICC children. They are on the frontlines of this ministry tending to the physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs of the children.  Your support enables the house parents to serve the children effectively. Not only do you help make transformations possible in the lives of children, you also contribute to the health and well-being of ICC house parents. Following is an Read more…

Paying Forward YOUR Support

Editor’s Note: You play a critical part in the life transformations that occur at ICC children’s villages around the world. In the following edited testimony, Patrick Kijana shares what it meant to him to grow up and eventually leave the Patmos children’s village. Thank you for your generous support of children like Patrick. When we arrived at Patmos, we were two brothers accompanied by another brother, a sister, and our uncle. We were still young Read more…

More Than Notes and Melodies (Part 2)

Last month we featured El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico and their thriving music program with the children. This month we focus on the wonderful music program at Las Palmas in the Dominican Republic.  Your support makes this program possible for the children!   The following is shared by Las Palmas Director Samilin Williams God created us in His image and likeness. And one of His attributes is the Great Artist. He is the one who filled Read more…

More Than Notes and Melodies (Music Programs Provide Enrichment)

Music is celebrated for its ability to deeply touch our minds.  It serves as a kind of universal language that transcends barriers. At El Oasis Children’s Village, we celebrate the profound impact of music on the lives of our children. In our music program there and at Las Palmas Children’s Village in the Dominican Republic, our young learners find hope and healing as they learn music.   In September 2019, El Oasis started a program to Read more…

Project Updates Around the World

Guatemala  A new year of classes has started at Los Pinos Children’s Village in the Peten region of Guatemala. The children on campus are joined by vulnerable children from three surrounding villages: La Paz, Vista Hermosa and El Milagro. The children from those villages are picked up by a van and brought to Los Pinos for a wonderful day of learning together. The teachers and staff at Los Pinos are happy to be a light Read more…

A Heartfelt Thank You From Congo

Thanks to your kind generosity, Patmos children have a secure place in which to thrive and prepare themselves for the future. Recently, the children were able to participate in a special New Year’s Day celebration. Thank you for all you do for the children. They appreciate you! We are grateful that God worked through caring individuals like you to provide for the sustaining care of ICC children in the DR Congo last year. In fact, Read more…
