Congo Girl

You Can Provide a “Summer of Hope”

Will you help to provide a “summer of hope” for orphans? For many people, summer is one of the most memorable times of the year. School is just letting out, family vacations are around the corner, and long days of sunshine provide more time for outdoor activities. Yet, summer is not always a carefree time for all. In fact, the summer is the most difficult financial time of the year for ICC children’s villages. In fact, the children know that they must sometimes “do without” many things in the summer to stretch budget funds.

Wouldn’t it be amazing for the children not to worry about these things during the summer months? Would you consider giving, today, to help provide a “Summer of Hope” for the children?

While many are moving, vacationing and preparing for new things ahead, the children are still in need of support. The young lives of orphan children continue to need emotional and spiritual nurturing, physical nourishment, and continued prayer as they struggle with their past and try to find a hope for their futures.

Your gifts and your prayers can make a difference, today.

Please consider giving an extra special donation for the children, right now, that will keep their lives as close to “normal” as possible in these next few months. It will not only help to provide the children with daily care for the summer season, but it will also help to provide them with a future filled with hope!


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