An Oasis For “His Kids!”

Your Gift Will Help Create That Oasis One of our ICC family members sent an encouraging note recently. In it, he wrote, “I love you all [and] pray for you and the precious kids you love so much.” He then said he would be praying that this summer the financial famine would turn into an Oasis for ICC. We believe that God will answer this prayer and our collective prayers as we place before Him Read more…

Sponsors Kieth & Patti Find Creative Solution

Wilders Put Fleece Before The Lord Have you ever wished you could find a way to help the children even more? Here’s a testimony from ICC sponsors Kieth and Patti Wilder who found a unique way to expand their capacity to help another child! Keith and Patti Wilder have sponsored a young boy at the Patmos Children’s Village for a few years. Keith is a general contractor who owns his own construction company in Kettle Read more…

Los Pinos Children Thrive In Pathfinders

Your Support Makes This Possible! The Pathfinder program at the Los Pinos Children’s Village is a vital part of campus life for the children. The pathfinders learn practical skills that help them on the pathway to becoming successful adults. The highlight for each Los Pinos Pathfinder is the annual Camporee. At these gatherings, memories are made for a lifetime. That includes the 2019 event where temperatures dropped down to 32°F (0°C). That was brutally cold Read more…

You Keep A Smile On Their Faces

Your support of the children means so much to them! In recent weeks, we’ve shared with you the challenges inflation is causing in our children’s villages. And yet, despite the hardships you and other ICC family members face, the children are blessed because of your continued care and generosity. This ministry for orphaned and vulnerable children depends on your faithful support. And it’s because of you that the children keep smiling! They are grateful for Read more…

Mothers Recognized Within The ICC Family

Responses from El Oasis children when asked to share why they like living with their house mothers … “She makes delicious food” “She helps me” “She is very nice to me” “She hugs us” “She is good” “She loves all of us” “She makes us sweet pumpkin bread.” During the month of May, we recognize and celebrate ICC mothers. Within the ICC family, mothers are the glue that binds the hearts of the children to Read more…

El Oasis Farm Dedicates New Pepper Crop

Dedication and ceremonial planting kick off 2022 pepper growing season March 30 was a warm and windy day at the El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico. Excitement ran high on campus as this would be the special day dedicating the 2022 pepper project to the Lord. The El Oasis family gathered at the campus church at 1:00 PM. During the program, the campus band played and there was a special message presented. Once the final Read more…

A Place To Belong

Jonathan’s Story Your generous support provides for the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of orphan and vulnerable children. But what is the long-term impact of the support you provide? Does it have a lasting value to the children once they are older? Jonathan’s story illustrates that yes, indeed, your support has a far-reaching, long-lasting impact. Jonathan arrived at our Guatemala City receiving center in December 1997. He was thin and frail and suffered from malnutrition. Read more…
