Caring For The Kids Through Music

At the Las Palmas Children’s Village in the Dominican Republic, caring for the children goes beyond basic essentials such as providing food, clothing, shelter, medical attention, and education. It includes something quite important to the well-being of a growing child. What is it? The opportunity to participate in making music! For several years, one of Las Palmas’ most unsung heroes of the children is José Ramón Rojas, nicknamed “Job” after the Bible story. Job is Read more…

Paying Forward The Care That Was Given

We often write about children whose lives have been transformed as a result of your support. A wonderful example of this is seen in the life of Udai, our business manager at the DEWS Sweet Home Children’s Village in India. Udai grew up at Sweet Home, and after completing his degree in Business Administration he returned to Sweet Home to serve his younger brothers and sisters. When the campus administrator became ill and had to Read more…

Give Extra CARE For “His Kids”
This Christmas

Double Your Gift with the “Christmas Care Matching Challenge!” “Real, true religion from God the Father’s perspective is about caring for the orphans and widows who suffer needlessly and resisting the evil influence of the world.” James 1:27 (Voice) The Father called you! You responded generously! The children are grateful! The call to care continues! Care is the theme of this year’s special Christmas edition of the Que Pasa. Care is in our name — International Children’s Read more…

Thanksgiving Blessings

Blessings We’ve Received Within the ICC Family Editor’s Note: It’s the season to be thankful for all that God has done for us. And within the ICC family, we have much for which to be grateful. God has blessed and protected the children and caregivers as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world.  The children are growing and thriving in spite of the chaos that exists in the communities that surround them. Truly the Read more…

An American Flag

For Those Who Serve

Honoring Veterans of Military Service In November each year, we honor those who’ve served this country in the military. Veteran’s Day is a reminder we need to be grateful to those who are willing to protect others with their lives. We who are part of the ICC family owe a special debt of gratitude to those of our family who’ve chosen to serve. Milton Casasola is one of those. He grew up at the Los Read more…

Difference Makers

Following God’s Call to Care for Orphans — Part 2 “[G]ive, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38 ESV Generosity is one of the characteristics of ICC donors like you! And as the text above indicates, as you give generously, so God provides generously for you. In this Read more…

News & Notes From Your ICC Family

News & Notes from your ICC family Thanks to the support of ICC family members like YOU, the children continue to grow and thrive within loving homes. ICC children’s villages are busy and active places. The following update provides a small window into the life and times of the ICC children’s programs you help to sustain. Dominican Republic In Mark 14:7 (ESV) Jesus said, “For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you Read more…

The Gathering Place — Ep 8 • Cinthia Tovar Ibarra

This episode of The Gathering Place features Cinthia Tovar Ibarra. She grew up at the El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico. Cinthia arrived at El Oasis at a young age. Her family was no longer able to care for her and her sisters. Her future was very uncertain. Things began to change as she became part of her new family at El Oasis. Because of your support, Cinthia received a life-changing education. She is now Read more…

COVID at Los Pinos

Part 2: Close Calls, Near Misses and God’s Protective Care

This summer, God’s protection over the children of ICC continues to amaze! Yet, there are many close calls – and even direct hits – that we continue to pray for. The following is an update of recent events. To read part one, click this link. Volcano Relief Efforts in the D.R. Congo Recently, we shared about the relief efforts of our ICC project in the DR Congo in the aftermath of the eruption of Mt. Read more…
