Lives Saved, Lives Transformed

Last month’ we shared with you about the catastrophe that devastated the village of Kalehe near our ICC Patmos Children’s Village in the DR Congo. Torrential rains fell on market day. Massive flooding collapsed buildings. Mudslides covered those who couldn’t get out of the way. Many parents had left their children at home to go to the market, never suspecting that by the end of the day their children would be orphaned. Thanks to the Read more…

The Harvest Has Begun

Your Prayers are Needed! One of the ways the ICC family strives to make donor support stretch even further is to supplement it through industries and farms. Over the years, ICC family members like you have supported various initiatives. A good example of this is the farm at the El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico. Raul, EL Oasis’ farm manager, has gained much valuable experience during the past several growing seasons. In an effort to Read more…

Catastrophe in D.R. Congo

Written by Désiré Murhima, Patmos Children’s Village Administrator On May 4, 2023, a catastrophic event occurred in the neighboring territory of Kalehe, only a few kilometers away from Patmos Children’s Village: specifically in the bordering villages of Bushushu, Kyabondo and Nyamukubi.  It was a market day so there was a mass of people in one area buying, selling, and passing through. Heavy torrents of rain fell on these villages in a short time, causing mudslides, Read more…

Now More Than Ever, I Am Part of the ICC Family

Aren’t you glad to be part of the ICC family? Recently we have been capturing video of ICC staff, children and supporters saying enthusiastically, “I am part of the ICC family!” The ICC family is a wonderful, growing body of people from all over the world. Recently, I was part of an administrative visit to the Children’s Village of Las Palmas, in the Dominican Republic. We spent about one week meeting with the staff and Read more…

“Summer of Care” Matching Challenge – A Letter from ICC President, Rick Fleck

Double YOUR gift today through the Summer of Care Matching Challenge! “God sets the lonely in families…” Psalm 68:6 (NIV) Just when it seemed that life had returned to a tranquil state in the DR Congo, our attention was jolted yet again to the realty that in this country, there is no peace. It is only a momentary pause in pain and suffering until the next tragedy arrives.  Dear Friend of the Children, I am Read more…

A Test of Faith

by Anne Marie Ivan, ICC Child from Romania – Now Grown Without parents to guide her, Anne Marie Ivan struggled during early childhood. She lived with relatives before being placed in a family at the Children’s Village in Romania.  At first, Anne Marie rebelled against the values of the Children’s Village. She struggled in school, too. Yet, the house parents took a special interest in helping Anne Marie to succeed. That’s when she began to Read more…

A Tribute to Mothers: Honoring a House Mother’s Retirement

In a 20-year time span… And yet, in contrast to all of the loving care she provides, how many times has she heard a heartfelt “thank you” in return? During this month of celebrating mothers, we want to recognize one of ICC’s mothers, Mama Tebeya. She stands as an example of all the house mothers as well as the thousands of women who support them so they can serve orphan and vulnerable children. Recently, at Read more…

No Need to Worry!

By Lorinda Manley I want to share with you an inside peek into the complexity of ICC’s work for vulnerable children in developing nations. As a Bible believing organization, our worldview is shaped by our understanding of events through a scriptural lens. The following shows why ICC’s mission is imperative at this time in our world’s history. When I last visited Guatemala, I noticed a colorfully clad, small doll showing up in numerous markets and Read more…

Remembering My Mom

By Rick Bowes One day when I was about ten years old my mom, leaving me alone at home for the first time, went to our local market for a few minutes.  And just before leaving she said to me, “Whatever you do Ricky, stay away from the flares.” Though I heard her words clearly and had every intention of obeying them, I just couldn’t stop focusing on the two roadside flares that my dad Read more…
