Baptisms in Congo

Baptisms at Patmos Children’s Village

Thank you for making it possible for children to learn about Jesus. What a thrill it is when they decide to be baptized! Several baptisms took place recently. In addition, we received a testimony from one of the young men from the Patmos Children’s Village in the DR Congo. He shared what led to his decision for baptism. Here is an edited excerpt: Baptisms in Congo: One Child’s Testimony When my parents died, I became Read more…

New Girls before going to ICC

Rays of Sunshine in India

Rays of Sunshine in India Read these stories of new and of graduating children at DEWS Sweet Home in India, to find out how the children are bringing rays of sunshine to the Children’s Village. Shanta and Priya Like most sisters, Shanta and Priya* have enjoyed each other’s companionship and have experienced much of life together. Sadly, they have also experienced the pains of death together as well. Several years ago, their mother died due Read more…

Fleck and Bowes in DR Church

Is Your Church an ICC Partner for Kids?

A little boy in church for the first time watched as the ushers passed around the offering plates. When they came near his pew, the boy said loudly, “Don’t pay for me, Daddy, I’m under five.” It’s a good thing churches don’t charge children an admission fee! Instead, churches in-tune with God’s heart set children free. It is beautiful to think that you, as a member of God’s body, are investing in children and setting Read more…

Part 2: Q&A with ICC President, Rick Fleck

Q&A with ICC President This is the second installment of a Q&A with ICC President, Rick Fleck. Read Part 1 by clicking here. In addition, watch a continuation of this interview at ICC’s The Gathering Place, Episode 6. Q:Can you share a recent story that demonstrates how God is blessing the ICC children? A: Here is a simple one that demonstrates how it can come from any direction. Our partner in Germany had money that Read more…

The Gathering Place Ep 6: Q&A with Rick Fleck

This episode of The Gathering Place has a Question & Answer session with Rick Fleck about ICC. The Ep 6: Q&A is only part of the entire interview. More questions are available in the Que Pasa, ICC’s monthly newsletter. Part One of Rick Fleck’s Q&A is available in the the March 2021 Que Pasa, available to download today. Part two will be available in the April 2021 Que Pasa, coming soon. Thank you for watching Read more…

From Orphan to University Graduate, Thanks to YOU!

From Orphan to University Graduate, Thanks to YOU! Through the generous support of ICC family members like you, ICC’s Patmos Children’s Village has been a haven of refuge for hundreds of orphan children as conflicts continue to ravage the DR Congo. Michelline and Aline are two such children. The have grown up and thrived within the loving care that you help to provide. Now they have gone from troubled orphans to University students – Thanks Read more…

Snow and Family Fun at El Oasis!

Snow reached the valley floor of El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico this winter. The Children’s Village had a snow day to celebrate. From starting snowball fights, to warming up with a cup of soup, it was a day of family fun to remember. Yet, these children experienced much more than just a rare snow day. They experienced the joy of a healthy and loving family. Thank you for helping to make that possible!

Part 1: Q&A with ICC President, Rick Fleck

This is the first installment of a Q&A with ICC President, Rick Fleck. Part 2 will be made available next month! Q: How is the pandemic impacting ICC children and the staff who provide care for them? A: Part of the impact has been an increase in the cost of living. Products that you might consider as cheaper, such as vegetables, are maybe less safe for us to use in our children’s villages because they Read more…

The Gathering Place Ep 5: Raúl Rivera at El Oasis

Growing jalapeño peppers helps supplement the costs of operating the El Oasis Children’s Village in Mexico. The peppers grown on the farm are sold in both the United States and Mexico. In this episode of The Gathering Place, Raúl Rivera, the farm manager, talks with Daniel Ixcot of ICC Mexico, about how the farm is benefitting El Oasis and the surrounding communities. Watch more ICC Videos, such as The Gathering Place Series, at the following Read more…

A Heart Full of Gratitude: Rosalina Shares a Message of Thankfulness

Rosalina lives at Las Palmas Children’s Village, where she enjoys leading out and participating in the youth programs at church. At one such program, Rosalina shared a message of gratitude. The following is a bit about Rosalina, and her message. When Rosalina’s mother died, she was taken to live with her oldest brother. Eventually, her father died as well. It was about that time that Rosalina learned about Jesus from a neighbor. Even though she Read more…
