December 2023 Que Pasa Letter

A Special Christmas Hope Matching Challenge Doubles Your Gift! December 1, 2023 Dear Friend of the Children, As I pen these thoughts to you, I once again must say how much I praise God for each of you who are praying for and supporting this ministry for the less fortunate children. This year there have been many blessings in the ICC families, including receiving new children, children going to school, graduations, baptisms and even weddings! Read more…

Blessings Returned

“Dhanyavaad” (Hindi)“Asante” (Swahili)“Gracias’’ (Spanish) From our children and staff, thank you for your generous support! “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.’’ (2 Cor. 9:12 NIV) Last month, we mentioned Karunakar, whose life was forever changed after coming to DEWS Sweet Home Children’s Village in India. You may recall that Karunakar completed his bachelor’s degree in Read more…

Ukrainian Refugee Update

Editor’s Note: On February 26, 2022, world attention focused on Russia as it invaded itsneighbor, Ukraine. Women, children, and the elderly fled from the advancing army as able-bodied men were called into military service to help protect their country. Following is an edited excerpt from Simona, ICC Romania’s village administrator, who tells of the experience the ICC family had with Ukrainian refugees. Never would we have thought it possible to have war so close to Read more…

Join Us In Recognizing World Orphans Day

Monday, November 13, is World Orphans Day. This day is set aside to focus on the plight of orphans around the world and to encourage people to get involved. As a valued member of the ICC family, you have a heart of love and compassion for orphans and vulnerable children. You realize and understand that, by no fault of their own, these children experienced a tragedy that tore them from their family, from their home Read more…

Passing on Your Blessings to the Children

Written by Rick Bowes The story of our Las Palmas Pathfinders donating their Camporee funds to help the new orphans in the Congo (found here) reminds me that it’s not just our Las Palmas children who are giving gifts. Indeed, all over the world our children are continually giving gifts. They give to their brothers and sisters.  They give to their house parents, and many times they have gone outside of the Children’s Villages to give Read more…

Remembering the Past, Celebrating the Future

It’s not every day that we are privileged to see both the past and future of God’s guiding hand at work – all at a glance. Yet, thanks to your loving support, this is the case at DEWS Sweet Home in India. Five new orphans joined the children’s village. They arrived in time for the DEWS Sweet Home 27th anniversary celebration. The Past For children living at an ICC Children’s Village, the past is often Read more…

Controlling Flooding at Patmos

The prayers and financial support of people like you have been a wonderful blessing to the ICC children at the Patmos Children’s Village in the DR Congo. As you recall, torrential rains caused a major catastrophe that left hundreds of children orphaned. ICC family members like you stepped up to help provide support in the aftermath of this crisis, and we were able to add 43 newly orphaned children to the ICC Patmos family. Erosion Read more…

The Impact of Your Support

El Oasis Children Learn Fun and Important Lessons at VBS Editor’s Note: As schools resume after the summer break, take a look back with us to observe what the El Oasis children in Mexico learned through the Vacation Bible School program organized by the staff there. The following is an edited excerpt from a report sent to us from Sara Reyes, who works with children of El Oasis. From July 17-22 we held the Vacation Read more…

Orphans Caring for Orphans

Recently, we were reminded of the empathy that ICC children have for one another. You’ll find it in the following story from the Las Palmas Children’s Village.  For many years, Las Palmas has had a thriving Pathfinder Club. If you’ve had personal experience being a Pathfinder, you know the joy of learning life skills and participating in activities and events that are not only fun but that also build character. One such event is the Read more…


By Jean Parchment, ICC Ambassador and Creator of “Reborn Dolls” My daily walk started as any other morning. I walk around the lake and enjoy greeting other walkers. This particular morning, I noticed a woman who was outstanding. She was petite, impeccably groomed, and walked at my pace. We smiled at each other and kept on our way. The following morning, we met again and she was very pleasant. In a short while, we started Read more…
