Life has to end, love doesn’t

We are mourning the loss of one of the house fathers in the DEWS Sweet Home village in India. Mattai passed away last week; he recently contracted COVID-19, and he had other complicating factors. His condition with COVID-19 seemed to improve, and then he suffered what appeared to be a heart attack. Pastor Mattai and his wife have been house parents at Sweet home for almost 9 years. He was dearly loved by the DEWS Read more…

The Gathering Place Ep 1: An Interview with Grown ICC Child, Ricardo Medina

The Gathering Place, Episode 1. In this edition of The Gathering Place, we interview Ricardo Medina. Ricardo grew up at the El Oasis Children’s Village in Baja, Mexico. As a result of your support, Ricardo graduated from medical school in Spring 2020. He graduated as a dental surgeon. Read more about Ricardo’s Story here. The Gathering Place is a new monthly series. It will provide additional details of stories that are featured in the Que Read more…

The Heart of a Mother – Georime’s Story

A Child of War Georime never knew her parents. They died in a rebel insurgence when she was only six-months old. During the 1990s and early 2000s, war tormented the Democratic Republic of Congo. Many children received an inheritance of trauma from the ongoing insurgent warfare. Georime felt this trauma deeply. She longed for what she had never known: a family. She longed for love that can only come from the heart of a mother. Read more…

A Back to School Opportunity Awaits You!

Can you remember… The scent of a freshly sharpened pencil, The kaleidoscope of colors in a big box of 64 crayons, The glossy feel of a textbook cover as you opened it the first time, The distinct sound made when you clicked open your three-ring notebook to insert paper?  There’s nothing quite like the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations of the first day of school for ICC children. And, being dressed appropriately in a clean, Read more…

Computing a Strong Future – Stephen’s Story

Stephen was born in a village with little educational opportunities in Ghana. His father repaired roofing to provide for the family. His mother stayed home to care for her five children. Then, all too quickly, life for Stephen dramatically changed. There was a faulty board in the roof rafters where Stephen’s father was working. He fell through the roof and died. Three months later, Stephen’s mother died of typhoid fever. This left the children all Read more…

The First Steps of Family – Ricardo’s Story

Just before Christmas in 1997 Mexican authorities decided to close two deteriorating orphanages. Twenty-four orphan children needed a place to live and we were asked to take the children. Even though the El Oasis Children’s village was not completed, ICC administrator’s decided to welcome them into the ICC family.  What a scene it was when the large bus rolled onto the El Oasis campus and the children disembarked. They were wide-eyed and filled with wonder Read more…

This is What I Have to Give

Carson’s Inspiring Story of Giving it All On Friday, June 12, an ICC office worker opened an envelope sent in by a donor and found a check for $15.60. Along with the check, the envelope contained the following brief explanation. “My seven-year-old son, Carson, read your newsletter before I could get to it. He emptied his piggy bank, donated the money he had earned by filling buckets with rocks, and then convinced his three-year old Read more…

Three ICC Girls Graduate in Romania

Even the current world-wide pandemic can’t dampen our excitement for the three young ladies who recently graduated from the Adventist High School in Bucharest Romania at the end of June. Florentina “Flori,” Valentina “Teo,” and Daniela “Bety” successfully navigated the final year of high school, having to take their last classes online at the ICC Romania children’s village.  According to Flori, “The online classes weren’t actually as I expected. It was very difficult to focus Read more…

New Sabbath School Classrooms in Guatemala

Construction has begun on a new Sabbath School classroom building at the Los Pinos Children’s Village in Guatemala. This is a project funded partially through the children’s village church itself and donations from ASI and Versacare.  Joel Carpio, Administrator (pictured on the left in the photo), shared the following update: “On Sabbath, July 11, the congregation of Los Pinos met together to inaugurate the construction work on the Sabbath School classroom building. The emotion was Read more…

VIDEO: Harvest Results at El Oasis

UPDATED AUG 2020. The first picking of peppers has been completed successfully at the El Oasis farm in Mexico and what a harvest it was! There were 108 tons of Tomatillos and 124 tons of three different kinds of chili peppers – jalapeño, Serrano, and Guerito. This is a terrific start to the harvest and reminds us that this crop was specially dedicated early this year soon after the seedlings were planted. This isn’t all Read more…
