Mother’s Day 2020: Support Uwimana

Uwimana Francine is a orphan-care mother in the D.R. Congo Patmos Children’s Village. With Mother’s Day approaching, will you affirm the work that she and other mothers are doing? “My name’s Uwimana Francine, I am a mother in home 3 and I have 14 children under my care. Being a home mother means I take care of children, cook food for them, treat them as their biological mother, keep the children close to me, and Read more…

From Child Abuse and Neglect to Child Saving and Respect

The Story of a Street Child who has given more than 1 million to ICC’s Children Written by William Hurtado How would you like to grow up in a brutally dysfunctional, violent, alcoholic home?  This is how Susan’s story began. Susan is a lovely 75 year old woman whose life beginnings in rural northern California will break your heart. “My mom was an alcoholic and was literally demon-possesed,” Susan remembers. “She was a small woman Read more…

Covid-19 Update

A Special Message Regarding Covid-19 In times of calamity and great distress, we find comfort in God’s word. While the rapid spread of Covid-19 and the resulting panic is putting our faith to the test, it’s important that we, like the Psalmist, recognize God’s faithfulness in caring for all “His Kids,” including ourselves. “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, Read more…

An ICC Miracle This Week!

God Continues to Provide Blessings for the Kids Written by William Hurtado Have you experienced a miracle in your work-life recently? I just did, and George Mueller, the founder of orphanages in England in the 1800’s, would have related to this one. On Tuesday of this week, I was pulled into a meeting where Karen, our financial director, informed us that January & February were difficult financial months and that we were $70,000 short. She Read more…

Preparing for a Life of Service

Stephanie Holt spent years imprisoned in her bedroom without food by an alcoholic mother. Her life revolved around trying to scrounge anything to eat, even toilet paper or dog food. Now, she gives to help the children of ICC, who have had to overcome similar situations. For a preview, read part of Stephanie’s story at Thank you again for partnering with ICC to rescue children who desperately need the love of God and family.  Your Read more…
